APUA works to increase health provider understanding about antibiotic resistance and appropriate use by serving as a comprehensive and objective source of the latest information on antimicrobial resistance, use and interventions worldwide. The following resources are useful for practitioners:

General resources

Be antibiotics aware (CDC)
Urinary tract infection (lower): antimicrobial prescribing. NICE guidelines 2018.
The Choosing Wisely® Campaign identifies commonly used tests and procedures that may be overused (AAFP 2013)
A Public Health Action Plan to Combat Antimicrobial Resitance (CDC 2012)
Antimicrobial Resistance (WHO)
The Evolving Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance - Options for Action (WHO)
National Guideline Clearinghouse: a public resource for evidence-based clinical guidelines (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
European Challenges on Antimicrobial Resistance from a "One Health" Perspective (ECDC)
Antibiotics May Slightly Increase Risk for Childhood Asthma (May 24, 2011)
Building Local Coalitions for Containing Drug Resistance: A Guide (Management Sciences for Health)
Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis in an Era of Increasing Antibiotic Resistance: A Proposed Approach to Empirical Therapy (Clinical Infectious Diseases)
Survey of Expert Opinion on Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (APUA Scientific Advisory Board)