The most urgent antibiotic resistance problem identified by members of APUA Australia is the lack of surveillance of antibiotic use and resistance. This leads to challenges in treating infectious diseases that are prevalent in Australia such as acute respiratory infections.

In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the equivalent of the US FDA, and its advisory body Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC) control licensing of antibiotics. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme controls antibiotic availability by cost subsidy and Hospital Drug committees control their availability in hospitals. The most important bacterial resistance in Australia are MRSA (both nosocomial and community variants), multi-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, and extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Gram-negative bacteria.


APUA Australia was established in1988 with the support of both the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and the Antimicrobials Special Interest Group. Members include medical, laboratory and pharmacy personnel. Most are public hospital based although some are from private laboratories. Many of the hospital appointees also have university affiliations.

Chapter Objectives and Priorities:

  • To facilitate the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge in the field of antimicrobials
  • To encourage communication and cooperation between those actively engaged in the field of antimicrobials and related disciplines
  • To hold meetings and conferences in furtherance of objectives 3.1 and 3.2
  • To demonstrate publicly the need for an educated and considered approach to the use of antimicrobials
  • To subscribe to or become a member of and cooperate with any national or international body whose objectives are similar to those of the Society
  • To print or publish any periodicals, books or papers that the Society may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives
  • To encourage research in the study of antimicrobials by grants from funds of the Society or through the Society and by the establishment of scholarships and awards in such a manner as the Society determines
  • To establish, endow, contribute to, organise and manage provident or benevolent funds for the benefit or assistance of members of the Society
  • To provide advice to administrative, scientific and other bodies on matters concerning antimicrobials


APUA Australia has been engaged in research, surveillance, development of reports, conferences and poster sessions, and collaborative projects with other organizations.

Read the most recent ASA newsletter here


Graeme Nimmo - President
Tom Gottlieb - President Elect
Ben Howden - Vice President
Despina Kotsanas
Geoffrey Coombs - Treasurer/Executive Officer
John Turnidge - Committee Member
Keryn Christiansen - Committee Member
David Paterson - Committee Member
David Kong - Committee Member
Sharon Chen - Committee Newsletter Editor



This common sense approach to the continuing dilemmas of antibiotic use and microbial resistance has now been in publication for 25 years. 2003 updated therapeutic guidelines on antibiotics

See for more information.